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Folding Machines


Folding Machines.

In the Printing and Booking Industry the folding machines are essential. A good supplier of circular knives, crosscutting circular knives, bottom circular knives, etc. is esential. ESTEIRE, S.L. is the best provider for these articles in Spain. STHAL, MBO, BREMMER, and another machines are wellknow for us. We have on stock the most popular models, and we can supply special models, according folding employers requeriments.

ESTEIRE, S.L. is your company, call us!!



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Rev Broaching Tool videos

Rev Broaching Tool videos

Different videos of the Rev Broaching Tool System.

Video 1: Processes on Lathes

Video 2:  Processes on Milling Machines

Video 3 : Processes on Slotters

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